Friday, June 29, 2012

Bead Soup Teaser

Okay, so I spent all evening looking at my beads trying to decide what to send to my partner, Jessica Dickens. Gak! this is so much harder then I expected! At one point I had made five (no, really) piles. Talk about OCD - lined 'em up by color, size, shape, material. Send a few? Send many? Send big? Send small? Send all organic? Send the wild & crazy colors? Who knows? I start surveying my friends and family... "If you got this in the mail, would you be happy?".... none of them are speaking to me now.

It's ok... I worked it out.... I think.

So here's a fuzzy teaser, cause I don't want any of you to see until Jessica has seen them.... but I will tell you, I love the colors, and the mood ~ enough for now! My next post will be clearer!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Meeting My Partner

Jessica Dickens

Jessica Dickens is my partner for the current Bead Soup. We haven't even shipped beads yet, but I've already had to learn something new. I now have a Tumblr account and am following Jessica's blog. Anybody else have a Tumblr account? Send me your feed and I'll follow you too!

I'm excited to be working with Jessica - her style is completely different then mine so it should be really interesting to see not only what shows up in the mail but what we manage to make!

Stay tuned for more bead updates!
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